November 15, 2006

The Shrine

After washing your hands at Okunitama Shrine, you go through another gate. See the boy in the black and silver outfit? He is wearing a haori jacket. There is a hawk on the back. He is wearing hakama trousers, too. They are dificult to see. The trousers have wide legs so they look sort of like a skirt.

This is the main building. Weddings, ceremonies for babies, and ceremonies for shichi-go-san, etc, are held here in a large washitsu, room with (grass) mats. Actually, this is where Papa and I were married, where we had ceremonies for Big Sister and Little Brother, and where they had shichi-go-san. Funerals are not held here. They are held at temples.

Here is a detail of the roof.

Money is thrown in this big wooden box before you clap your hands and pray. That is a chrysanthemum on the front.

These were set here for shichi-go-san. There is another lantern on the other side. They have the chrysanthemum crest on them, too.

This poster was near the shop. Sorry there's so much glare. The sun wasn't even out!

To the right was a small shop. A small wooden tori leads to another building. There were displays of chrysanthemums today, too.

The shop sold these things. Silk prayer pouches for different purposes. Some are for good luck. Some are for good health. Some are for safe travels. Some are for bicycle safety.

Chrysanthemum displays.

Fire hydrants. Click on the label below to see other fire hydrants.

Fortunes can be bought at that little shop. They are folded and tied here.

Those are wooden prayer plaques called enma on the right side of the picture. People write their wishes on them and hang them there.

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