June 06, 2007

Water Bottle for School

Little Brother has been taking a water bottle to school since Monday. He prefers one that has a cup. He also prefers to take mugicha or barley water instead of water.

At his elementary school, teachers announce when they can start bringing water bottles and then later in the early fall when to stop bringing them. The students are free to drink whenever they are thristy.

All students walk to and from school. The school is not air conditioned, and they spend a lot of time outdoors, too. Having water bottles at school cuts down on time spent at the water fountain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the idea: The kids are drinking water (instead of sodas or milk beverages), no waste is created by plastic water bottles, and no extra transportation costs are generated.

This solution treats Earth's water with respect!

Alexa Fleckenstein M.D.
Author of "Health20 - Tapping into the Healing Power of Water", McGraw Hill 2007.