August 22, 2006

World Heritage Site: Other Village Business in Ainokura

I have been wanting to take a picture of the postman in Tokyo. I keep missing him. It seems I always catch a glimpse of one as he is passing by. As we were having lunch, the postman of this village zoomed by. I ran out of the shop, but he made no other stops down the street. Wouldn't that have been a cool picture? A postman delivering mail to a thatched roof house. I went back in to finish my lunch. A little later, he zoomed past going the other way. We all looked at each other and laughed.

This is one of the hotels. Below is a closer look at the beds (futon) hanging out the door. They are airing them out. Laundry from the hotel is on the line outside, too.

Here is a house that has a small soft cream stand outside on its porch. See that big plastic soft cream on the porch? We sat on the benches there and had ice cream after lunch. Beds and laundry were hanging outside here, too.

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