April 06, 2007

Sakura Trees at Jindai Botanical Gardens

We saw these potted plants as we walked to the lane of sakura, cherry blossom trees in Jindai Botanical Gardens. Have they been watching Martha? We do get her show though we are about 5 years behind (in my area).

Click to enlarge this picture. The ground is covered with sakura blossoms. Some branches get so big and heavy that they need supports.

At night this lane is lit with lamps like this one.

Sakura trees are in the background. This is near the grassy play area of the botanical garden.

Here is a closer view. People were sitting under the trees. Others were sitting on the grass in the warm sun.

Birds were enjoying the blossoms, too.

Lots of fallen blossoms looked like snow. Little Brother spent his time looking for the perfect blossom petal to place between his thumbs to blow like a whistle.

Big Sister and I sat and looked up.

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