March 20, 2007

Graduation from Junior High

Today was Big Sister's graduation from junior high school. Here is a picture of the gym. The graduating students came in by class and filled the empty chairs in front. The eighth graders filled the chairs behind them. Parents sat along the walls. Everyone stood to sing the national anthem of Japan.

After the principal gave a speech, the curtain was opened. This mural was behind the curtain. It was made by the graduating class. The birds are made of folded origami cranes. The cranes were glued flat onto the paper to form the birds.

Here is a detail. Click to enlarge. I have seen pictures made of gold and silver cranes for weddings.

Students went to the stage one by one to get their certificates. First Big Sister bowed to the principal. He handed her the certificate with both hands. She received it with both hands. She stepped back and bowed holding the certificate out. Then she turned and walked off the stage. She turned to bow to the stage and then turned to bow to the teachers sitting along the wall.

The eighth graders sang a song. Students gave speeches. This picture is blurry, but I posted it anyway. I wanted to show you that speeches are wrapped in paper. See the paper with the folded ends in the girl's left hand? She had wrapped her speech in it. The other speakers did the same. The graduating class sang a song. Parents and students cried. I am glad I took a handkerchief.

Afterwards the eigth graders lined up along the walkway. As the graduating class filed through, they gave the graduates flowers.

Big Sister was given orchids.

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