These are a dehumidifiers that we put in closets here. The dehumidifier on the left is an old one. It has a plastic blue grate I guess to protect the thin paper top. Its bottom section is now full of water.

The one on the right is new. I will pull off the silvery cover to expose the paper on top. Then I'll put it in a clothes closet. It will absorb the water from the air in the closet. It is divided into two sections by a plastic shelf that has slits like a seive. The top is filled with Na and Ca granules. (Do you know what that is? No? Look it up!) The bottom is empty. As water is absorbed, the granules dissolve and the water goes into the bottom section.

Here is the old one after I've poured out the water and cleaned out the granules. Actually, they had become a hardened mass. We have to wash some of our garbage here and put it into the appropriate garbage bag. Plastic goes in one and paper in another. I put most of this in the bag for questionable, broken and messy items.
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