July 05, 2006

School Days: The Classroom

I took these pictures at the elementary school before the demonstration. There wasn't enough time to take pictures of all the classroom this time.

These are sinks in the hallway outside the classroom.

Bags of gym clothes or swimsuits hang outside the classroom depending on the season. Note the little door near the floor. It is for ventilation.

There is no air conditioning in the school but there are fans on the ceiling that gyrate.

Students put their randoseru , public elementary school bags, in the shelves near the door. Because it is summer, students bring water bottles to school. See them on top of the shelves?

Some of the students have old tennis balls on the legs of their chairs to prevent them from making so much noise as they are moved across the floor. They need more. Several chairs do not have them yet.

The disaster hood is on the back of the chair. The lunch mat (in the blue bag) is hanging on the side of the desk. See the rag clipped on the bar on the front of the desk? That is the zokin. You may be able to see the school box inside the desk. See April posts for more information about these school items.

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