December 31, 2006

New Year's Decoration Kadomatsu

This is a common New Year's decoration. These were outside a karaoke center.

Click here to see photos of some American kids in Hawaii making one. More information about the symbolism is given, too. The link also mentions mochi. I'll post more about that later.

Kids Web Japan--New Year's


kokomo said...

what is the meaning of the three bamboo?

Annie Donwerth Chikamatsu said...

Bamboo is an auspicious plant like pine and plum blossoms. I asked Papa why three bamboo poles. He didn't know. We will research it.
It may be like School House Rock said "three is a magic number."
Check back at this post.

Kris Bordessa said...

Annie, I linked over to these pictures from my own post about our experience making kadomatsu. I tried to trackback, but I don't think it worked. Great photos!

Kris Bordessa said...

Annie, I linked over to these pictures from my own post about our experience making kadomatsu. I tried to trackback, but I don't think it worked. Great photos!

Annie Donwerth Chikamatsu said...

Thanks, Kris, for the link to you great photos. I already encorporated it into the post if you don't mind. I'll post later about mochi, glutinous rice as it is sometimes translated. I'm gathering samples, etc.
Do be careful eating it. Small bites, please. Children and old people here are advised to be careful. It can be a choking hazard.